Polyester laminated Coroplast® sheets provide a cost-effective solution to our customers who need additional abrasion protection for their class “A” packaging application.


Coroplast® has gone through an extensive material qualification and testing program to ensure the proper combination of process, materials and adhesion levels is well suited for our customer’s packaging application needs.

Based on the samples tested, the results indicate good adhesive integrity throughout the extreme temperature ranges (minus 10 degrees F).

As with all packaging applications, simulated transport testing should be conducted utilizing the actual packaging and parts to be protected as the configuration of the parts can pay a significant role in the success or failure of protective packaging.

Brushed Fabric Properties

Fiber Content Polyester
Fabric Weight 6 ounces
Type Structure Warp Knit
Yarn Type Filament Yarn
Method of Coloring Disburse Dyed
Type Filament Man Made


  • Soft Hand like the fabric you see on some headliners and trim panels
  • Non-Abrasive for Class A surface requirements
  • Excellent for packaging and dunnage needs

We believe the information contained in this bulletin is correct and to the best of our knowledge and tests. The recommendations and suggestions contained herein are made without guarantee or representation as to the results. We recommend that adequate tests be made in the customer’s laboratory or plant to determine if this product meets all of the customer’s requirements.

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